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Need help with writing and expressing your ideas in an essay, thesis or dissertation?

Whether you are a secondary or tertiary student, native English speaker or have English as your other language, you want to get the best results possible. By using Markitup’s proofreading and copyediting services, you can make a good impression from the outset by ensuring drafts address the ‘fundamentals’ of spelling, punctuation, grammar and are checked carefully before submitting work for evaluation. These services can also make sure final versions adhere to your institution’s style guide and citation rules; address topics and questions effectively by checking the ‘flow’ of ideas in your written expression; and ensuring that you have a coherent and well-organised sentence and paragraph structure.

Types of document review available:

  • Assignments
  • Dissertations
  • Essays
  • Presentations
  • Research papers
  • Theses

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